Meet Sharon Mazel
Parenting and pregnancy expert, author, coach, and mom of four
Author of Bite-Sized Pregnancy
Co-wrote What to Expect When You’re Expecting (4th/5th eds), What to Expect the First Year (1st/2nd eds), and other books in the What to Expect series
Meet Sharon Mazel
Parenting and pregnancy expert, author, coach, and mom of four
Author of Bite-Sized Pregnancy
Co-wrote What to Expect When You’re Expecting (4th/5th eds), What to Expect the First Year (1st/2nd eds), and numerous other books in the What to Expect series
You’ve been on my mind for 25+ years
OK, maybe not you specifically. But certainly parents just like you!
As a parenting and pregnancy author, speaker, coach, and content provider, my #1 passion is helping parents feel more confident as they navigate their roles as mom and dad.
When it comes to parenting, I’ve got lots of experience.
Author of
Bite-Sized Parenting: Your Baby’s First Year
Books Co-Wrote
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (4th/5th eds)
What To Expect Before You’re Expecting (1st/2nd eds)
What To Expect The First Year (2nd/3rd eds)
What To Expect The Second Year (1st ed)
What To Expect The Toddler Years (2nd ed)
What To Expect: Eating Well When You’re Expecting (1st ed)
What To Expect Pregnancy Journal and Organizer
What To Expect Babysitter’s Handbook
Journalism Experience
Parenting Magazine
BabyTalk Magazine
The Washington Post
Yale Child Study Center
Fox 5 News/WNYC
Channel 11 News/WPIX NY
“I recommend @sharonmazel to all my pregnant or new mom friends. It’s relatable, easy to understand, and not judgy or pushy as some guidelines or ‘advice’ can be.”
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